Lindsay Adams

Keep Those Referrals Rolling In!

Did you know that a tiny part of the brain called the hypothalamus helps regulate things like thirst, hunger, parental behaviour, pain and pleasure? It’s true and the hypothalamus likes validation, it registers pleasure in helping others and being rewarded for helping others. In fact it’s the place for us to recognise we need to belong to something bigger than just ourselves.

So what you ask…

Well what are Christmas and the holiday break all about? Helping and rewarding others by giving gifts and recognition to those we have worked with during the year. We can satisfy the urge of the hypothalamus by giving all year around in fact!

In fact for good referrers it’s Christmas all year!

As human beings we are actually naturally wired to make referrals and it is a satisfying urge, which can and should be satisfied all year around. Just because Christmas is around the corner doesn’t mean that business stops and that referrals stop as well.

In order to maintain that good feeling and keep out hypothalamus humming all year follow these five simple points.

  1. Refer to Build Your Business
    It’s true and we know that the more referrals we give, the more we get, so give referrals and watch your business grow. Referrals build our social currency and bring us to the forefront of other business owner’s minds. By providing a referral we make a little deposit into their referral bank account. Eventually we will either be able to withdraw or be given deposits of our own.
  2. Making Referrals Involves Some Risk
    Again the hypothalamus monitors fear, so make sure that you have confidence in the person you are referring. More importantly make sure that they trust you so they will be confident to refer you in return. Trust underpins all referrals and business will evaporate if no trust exists.
  3. Boring Businesses Miss out on Referrals
    Back to that hypothalamus again, remember it registers pain and pleasure. Make sure your business is a pleasure to deal with, make it easy for others to refer you. Take the time to educate your contact sphere about the exciting aspects of your business that will make you or your product more saleable.
  4. Be Committed, Turn Up, Participate
    Consistency builds more and more trust. If you consistently turn up at your local networking group meeting, participate fully, give referrals and do 1-2-1 meetings, other group members know that you are serious and will work harder to support you in return.
  5. Follow the System
    A fully functioning business is simply put a set of systems or processes put into place to reach a desired outcome. Generating referrals is about following a system. Having a Relationship Marketing Plan is the key to a successful system this includes a referral marketing vision, clear goals and an action plan to make your system work.

Remember a happy hypothalamus is a referring hypothalamus!